please share your cvs clearance finds in the comments section
"Here are some clearance items I saw in store. Also tons of makeup just went 50% off at my store. Covergirl, Almay, Maybelline, etc. so scan before purchasing if you want the ecb’s"
- SummertimeK 10/21/24
"Also found clearanced Covergirl brow sets 50% off (= 5.65) with yellow sticker barcode starts with 46200. But $3 eye coupon was a beeper, so had to leave it behind. If anyone finds clearanced CG for which either eye or face coupon works please report. Could also be used to pad the total towards $/$$"
- z390z @ slickdeals 10/21/24
"Summer has reset to full price."
- Brad 10/20/24
"Harry Potter Plush dolls."
- SASHANENE @ slickdeals 10/09/24
"My dogs are liking their new toy that was 75% off."
- SASHANENE @ slickdeals 10/03/24
"On Sunday I found these cute outfits for my dogs. Got two of each in two different sizes for them. Smilie
And today I saw this picnic table and toy guns at the CVS that was still at 50% last week."
- SASHANENE @ slickdeals 10/03/24
clearance tips:
- clearance availability and discount varies from store to store
- clearance items do not count towards extrabucks deals
- clearance items may not be included in store inventory counts
Instacart may be useful for checking item availability and in-store prices
previous clearance finds