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february cvs deals cvs clearance cvs y más cvs valentine’s day shop

september 2024 clearance

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cvs clearance
please share your cvs clearance finds in the comments section

"One of my stores had everything at 75% off, the other only had a few summer items and they were still at 50%.

These were a few of the items I spotted at one store.

I got 2 dog collars/hats, the Olay, and a popcorn popper since my brother has been wanting one lately for the sealed bag of popcorn kernels he's had just laying around for months."
- SASHANENE @ slickdeals

"Olay eczema therapy sku 645914
75% off
Reg $46.99, $11.75
$8 dq
Pd $3 eb, 74 cents plus tax"
- Jay Kaye
"This one works also. $1.49"
- SummertimeK

"Clx nicorette 75% off and we have $10 mq."
- KW

clearance tips:

  • clearance availability and discount varies from store to store
  • clearance items do not count towards extrabucks deals
  • clearance items may not be included in store inventory counts
    Instacart may be useful for checking item availability and in-store prices

previous clearance finds