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december 2023 clearance

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cvs clearance
please share your cvs clearance finds in the comments section

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= as low as free | = $1 or less

"If you want to cash out a little to IB. These were on clearance for $3.87 and we have a $4 IB. There is also a CD Little Mermaid box set that is on clearance but it did not scan for the IB $." - SummertimeK

"6 pack of super pretzels are also 75% off." - SummertimeK

"In addition to the frozen food on 75% clearance CDS mentioned, I also found these waffles." - SummertimeK

clearance tips:

  • clearance availability and discount varies from store to store
  • clearance items do not count towards extrabucks deals
  • clearance items may not be included in store inventory counts
    Instacart may be useful for checking item availability and in-store prices

previous clearance finds