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"If anyone likes the Alani products, they are on clearance. haven’t tried them myself personally, but was thinking I may grab a box of protein bars to try them out." - SummertimeK
"If any got the $2 off $6 First Aid CRT in an email yesterday # 463699 it it only coded to work on Cough and Cold products. Too bad as I was hoping to use it on the Bactine Max. Might try and see if cashier can get it to go, but not sure it's worth the hassle." - another Sue 20
"There is a lot of cough and cold on clearance right now. Does it work on cough drops. You may be able to pick up something cheap." - SummertimeK
"I finally found the M&M Carmel cold brew on clearance. They were 62cents a pack. I got 2 and used my $1 off coupon. I submitted it to ASH!" - Leslie
"Winter clearance items - robes, shoes etc are back to 75% off. Saw at one store a week back, but ignored assuming it as a store specific deal, but now I see same clearance price tag at other stores as well.
And more... VA Lindt as well.." - hot2004 @ slickdeals
"True green clearance 75% off , 0.74" - Pan
clearance tips:
- clearance availability and discount varies from store to store
- clearance items do not count towards extrabucks deals
- clearance items may not be included in store inventory counts
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