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10/10 - 10/16 cvs flyer & deals

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unadvertised extrabucks deals not included in weekly ad, advertised on
thanks to alli


$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 select Fragrances $19.99 & Up

$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 select Temp Root Hair Color products

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards when you spend $30 or $15 ExtraBucks Rewards when you spend $40 on GSQ Brushes or Beauty Tools

$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $10 on OPI or ORLY Nail Polish or Treatments

$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Pop - Arazzi Nail - excludes kits

$8 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Pop - Arazzi Cosmetics

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $40 on Essano products

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $30 on Bliss products

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $30 on Lumene products

$4 ExtraBucks Rewards when you spend $10 or $10 ExtraBucks Rewards when you spend $20 on Peach & Lily products

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $15 on select Purezero Hair Care products

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards when you spend $30 or $15 ExtraBucks Rewards when you spend $45 on select Jouviance products

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $30 on Wunder2 Cosmetics

$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $15 on Thayers products

$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $15 on Almay Cosmetics or Make Up Remover

$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $20 on Harry's Hair Care products

$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Real Technique or Eco Tools Sponges

$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $12 on Joah Cosmetics - excludes mascara

Household & Grocery

ExtraBucks Rewards for a Free Trick or Treat Coloring Bag for purchasing Hershey Halloween Jumbo Snack Size

$2 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Babo Bath Tissue 8ct or Paper Towel 6pk

Personal Care

$2 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Edge or Skintimate Gel - excludes 2 packs

$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $12 on select products (Stayfree/Carefree/Playtex/O.B.)

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $30 on Aveeno Personal Cleansing products

$2 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Tom's of Maine Mouthwash or Toothpaste

$15 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Oral - B Water Flosser or Gum and Sensitive Care Power Handle

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Oral - B Power Refills 2 - 3ct or Deep Sweep

$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 Spotlight Oral Care products

$25 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Oral - B Power Toothbrush IO Series 7

$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing select Ideavillage Flawless products

$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $12 on select Depilatories products

$20 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Colgate Optic White Overnight Whitening Pen

$40 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Colgate Hum Rechargeable Toothbrush

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $25 on Goodline products

Health Care

$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $12 on select CVS Health First Aid products

$4 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $15 on CVS Health Antifungal products

$30 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Omron Blood Pressure and EKG

$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing CVS Health BMI Scale

$15 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Roscoe Pulse Oximeter

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing Omron BP5 Blood Pressure Monitor

$3 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing on select Robitussin products

$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing 2 CBD Alternative Care, Balans Lab CBD Pain Relievers or Medterra CBD External Pain products

$2 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $10 on Excedrin products

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for spending $30 on select CVS Health Diclofenac, Supports, Wraps or Tapes


$5 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing NuvoMed Portable Air Purifier

$10 ExtraBucks Rewards for purchasing NuvoMed Air Purifier

* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
always check your local ad!
sneak peek of the ad for your area can be accessed at on thursday before the sale week.

sources / credit: | the couponing couple
did i miss a hot cvs deal? do you have photos of a cvs ad or sale tag to share?
contact me here!

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