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neutrogena cosmetics get $6 wyb 2 limit 1
10% back w/ beauty club
Pop-arazzi nail polish get $4 wyb 2 limit 1
excludes kits
psa $2.99 or 2/$5 (select stores)
clearance psa $.99 not included
10% back w/ beauty club
$10 cvs gift card wyb $30 select items limit 1
see page 1, page 8, & page 9 for additional items included
crest pro-health 3.5-4.6 oz, 3d white 3-3.5 oz, & complete toothpaste 4-5.4 oz $2.99tide pods 12-16 ct $4.94
-$2 crest toothpaste or liquid gel 3.0oz or more(excludes 4.6oz crest cavity, regular, baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids, and ets) limit 2, exp 01/09/21 (12/27/20 pg) limit 2
excludes simply
-$2 Tide PODS Laundry Detergent 31ct or Smaller, exp 01/30/21 (12/27/20 pg)
kellogg's raisin bran 15.9-16.6 oz & nutri-grain bars 5-8 ct $2.99 or 2/$5
-$.75 wyb Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal for any flavor, 13.5-37 oz size, limit 5. Expires January 23, 2021 9:37 AM ibotta offer (offers may vary & exp may change)
-$1 Kellogg's Cereal 8.4 oz+ (kellogg's family rewards - 850 points)
* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
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