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= as low as free | = $1 or less

aleve 40-270 ct bogo 50% off get $8 wyb 2 limit 1
Back & Muscle pain 50 ct reg psa $8.29-$8.49!

aquaphor / eucerin get $10 wyb $20 limit 1
excludes trial/travel
10% back w/ beauty club

colgate 2in1 4.6 oz, max 6 oz, & total 3.4 or 4.8 oz $3.49 get $2 limit 2
regional pricing, check your local ad

colgate total 500 ml & optic white 16 oz mouthwash $3.99 get $1 limit 2

covergirl cosmetics get $8 wyb $15 limit 1
Full spectrum eyeliner psa $7.99!
10% back w/ beauty club

foot locker, amc, hulu, netflix, & uber gift cards get $10 wyb $50 limit 1
terms, fees, & conditions may apply

google gift cards get $5 wyb $50 limit 1
terms, fees, & conditions may apply

hanes (select) & stylessentials hosiery get $5 wyb 3 limit 1
stylessentials 2 pk reg psa $4.09

joah cosmetics get $8 wyb $10 limit 1
10% back w/ beauty club

kotex u liners 40-80 ct, pads 13-18 ct, & tampons 15-18 ct get $2 wyb 2/$8 limit 1

l'oreal elvive shampoo or conditioner 12.6 oz & select stylers get $4.99 or 2/$8 get $5 wyb $15 limit 1
excludes trial/travel
10% back w/ beauty club

maybelline cosmetics get $5 wyb 2 limit 1
great lash mascara psa $5.49-$6.99
10% back w/ beauty club

nivea body lotion 13.5-16.9 oz & creme tub 6.8 oz get $5 wyb 2 limit 1
excludes skin firming q10
10% back w/ beauty club

physicians formula cosmetics get $7 wyb $10 limit 1
excludes trial/travel
10% back w/ beauty club

pop•arazzi nail polish get $4 wyb 2 limit 1
psa $2.99 or 2/$5!
excludes kits

10% back w/ beauty club

revlon cosmetics get $4 wyb $10 limit 6
Candid Concealer & Candid Setting Powder & lip psa $9.99!
10% back w/ beauty club

rimmel cosmetics get $6 wyb $12 limit 1
mascara psa $4.49
10% back w/ beauty club

schick hydro silk, quattro, & intuition women's razor $8.99 get $3 limit 1

suave / tresemme / dove get $3 wyb 2 limit 1:
10% back w/ beauty club

tresemme premium & dove dermacare hair care (select) get $3 wyb 2/$10 limit 1
10% back w/ beauty club

other sales
$10 cvs cash card wyb $30 select items limit 1
or get $10 on

gold emblem & gold emblem abound groceries (select) bogo 50% off
Abound fruit Bars reg psa $.99 included according to shelf tags!
Abound Corn & Quinoa Puffs 2 oz reg psa $1.49 included according to shelf tags!
Roasted Chickapeas 2 oz reg psa $2.09 included according to shelf tags!

kellogg's cereal 8.7-13.7 oz (select) $1.99

* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
always check your local ad!
sneak peek of the ad for your area can be accessed at on thursday before the sale week.

sources: | the couponing couple | wild for cvs | how to shop for free

did i miss a hot cvs deal? do you have photos of a cvs ad or sale tag to share?
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