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30% off health & beauty on

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for 30% off regularly priced health & beauty

includes Beauty, Diet & Nutrition, Health & Medicine, Home Health Care, Skin Care, & Vitamins
exp 09/29/18 11:59 et

discount does not apply to sale prices

valid on Beauty, Diet & Nutrition, Health & Medicine, Home Health Care, Skin Care and Vitamin products

excludes prescriptions and gift cards and orders placed on, curbside pickup and CVS Pharmacy® Optical

excludes Baby Food & Formula, Bose products, select bulk & case packs, Differin, Ensure Nutrition Powder, Essie, FLONASE SENSIMIST, Finishing Touch products, Graco products, select Huggies economy plus packs, Honest Products, Scooters & Wheelchairs, HP Ink & Toner, LetsGetChecked At Home Testing products, Lift Chairs, MiraLAX Laxative Powder, online-value priced Digestive Health, online-value priced Home Health Care, Neutrogena Light Therapy, select Oral B Power Toothbrushes, Oraquick, Perfume & Cologne, PillDrill Smart Medication Tracking System, Prevagen, Pre-Seed, Renew Life Baby Probiotic Colic Drops, SinuPulse Elite Advanced Nasal Sinus Irrigation System, Thayers Slippery Elm Lozenges, Thayers Witch Hazel, Tylenol, Children's Tylenol, Infants' Tylenol & Children's Motrin, Vinylux Nail, Wunderbrow and Zanfel.