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11/20 - 11/26 "black friday" part 1

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Garnier Whole Blends shampoo & condtioner 12.5 oz $3.50

gold emblem abound nut bar 1.41 oz $.99
advertised on

Green Giant vegetables 11-15.25 oz $.99 get $.99 eb limit 1 limit 2

Luden's throat drops 20 ct $1 get $1 eb limit 1

Ocean Spray 15.2 oz or PACt 16 oz get $3 eb wyb 2/$3 limit 1 limit 2
    and buy 6 get 1 free bottled beverages 1 liter & smaller through 12/31

[divider color="fpink"/]

[divider color="fpink"/]other sales
    Cheez-It 4.5 oz , & Keebler or Nabisco cookies or crackers 2.12-6.5 oz $.99

    Coke & Dr Pepper 2 liters $.99

    Dawn 9 oz $.99

    dentek flossers 90 ct, brushes 16 ct, & tongue brush 1 ct bogo

    Edy's ice cream 1.5 qt bogo

    Hershey's XL Bar 4-4.5 oz or Cadbury bar 3.5-4 oz bogo

    Lay's chips 9.5-10.5 oz bogo
    excludes Baked

    Purex liquid 43.5-50 oz & Crystals 18.5 oz $1.88

    Starbucks Refreshers, Iced Coffee 11-12 oz, & DoubleShot 6.5 oz bogo

    Whitman's 7-12 oz & Russell Stover 8.76-12 oz bogo

* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
always check your local ad!
sneak peek of the ad for your area can be accessed at on thursday before the sale week.

sources used:
we use coupons

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