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april 2015 deals 03/28-04/25

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  • payanywhere credit card reader $9.99 get $9.99 eb limit 4
    excludes clearance

extra value days 04/06-04/25

    Advil tablets 224 ct total $14.49 get $2 eb Limit 1

    Arnicare 2 pk $19.99 get $4 eb Limit 1

    Band-Aid blister Twin pk $11.49 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Twin pk $9.49 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Band-Aid Frozen or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Twin pk $8.29 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Benadryl Allergy Twin pk $10.49 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Benadryl Twin pk $14.49 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Bengay patch Twin Pk $16.49 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Bengay ultra strength Twin pk $12.49 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Cheerios 2 pk 24 oz $7.49 get $3 eb limit 1 Limit 6
    single boxes 12 oz (psa $3.99-$4.79) reported included, as of 04/21!

    Cheez-It original 2 pk $4.99 get $2 eb Limit 4

    clear scalp & hair shampoo 12.9 oz w/ free conditioner 12.7 oz get $1 eb limit 1

    CVS Cotton swabs 3 pack 375 ct each 1125 ct total $5.99 get $1 eb Limit 3

    cvs first aid twin pks $2.99 get $1 eb limit 1

    CVS Hydrogen Peroxide Twin pk 32 oz total $1.89 get $1 eb Limit 3 limit at least 6

    CVS Pain 100 + 100 ct $7.49 get $1 eb Limit 3

    CVS unscented tub twin pack 144 ct total $5.49 get $1 eb Limit 3

    Excedrin 100 ct + 24 ct Pk $9.99 get $1 eb Limit 1

    Honey Nut Cheerios 2 pk 24 oz $7.49 get $3 eb Limit 3 limit 6
    single boxes 12-12.25 oz (psa $4.69) reported included, as of 4/20!

    Kellogg’s Frosted flakes 2 pk 30 oz $8.99 get $4 eb Limit 1

    Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats cereal 2 pk 36 oz total $7.99 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Kellogg's Special K cereal bars 2 pk 9.2-9.31 oz total $6.99 get $2 eb Limit 1 limit 4

    nature valley twin pk $6.49 get $3 eb limit 1 limit at least 4
    peanut butter dark chocolate single box 5 ct psa $3.99-$4.59, no longer included as of 04/19!

    Neosporin Twin pk $10.49 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Pedia Care cold twin pk $7.99 get $3 eb Limit 1

    Pedia Care fever reducer twin pk $7.49 get $3 eb Limit 1

other sales

cvs no longer publishes monthly booklets.
these are monthly deals that have been found dated in the weekly ads, shelf tags, displays, or receipt tallies.
please let me know if you find any others or have photos to share!

* all deals/prices subject to change/regional differences *
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