& rebates
cvs works

february cvs deals cvs clearance cvs y más cvs easter shop

12/26 - 12/29 4 day sale

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    colgate optic white (any) get $5 eb wyb $10 limit 2

    duracell alkaline aa/aaa 8 pk, c/d 4 pk, 9 volt 2 pk, or ultra power aa/aaa 6 pk $6 get $5 eb wyb $15 limit 1

    get $10 eb wyb $30 limit 1:
      doritos 10.5-11.5 oz (excludes baked) $2.50
      fritos or cheetos 7.75-12.5 oz $2.50
      dove or mars chocolate minis 8.5-11.5 oz $3
      m&m's 9.9-12.6 oz $3
      pepsi 12 oz 12 pks $3.67 (3/$11)
      pepsi 2 liters $1.25

other sales
    bounty paper towels 6 pk $5.99
    limit 3 per transaction

    charmin basic 12 pk, ultra strong or ultra soft 9 pk $5.99
    limit 3 per transaction

    covergirl face, eye, lip, or outlast nail bogo 50% off

    cvs brand health care (select) bogo 50% off
    diapers, baby wipes, pictured

    cvs letter vitamins a,b,c,d,e, 50-500 ct, b-12 liquid 8 oz, calcium, multiples, or glucosamine chondroitin bogo
    limit 6 per transaction

    dawn 9-10.3 oz $.99
    limit 3 per transaction

    gold emblem bagged candy 2.75-9.5 oz $.88
    limit 4 per transaction

    gold emblem mixed nuts 8.75 oz or cashews 8.25-10.5 oz bogo
    limit 4 per transaction

    head & shoulders 23.7 oz , aussie , pantene , or herbal essences 22.8-29.2 oz $5.99
    limit 3 per transaction

    kellogg's raisin bran 13.7 oz, froot loops or apple jacks 8.7 oz $2.50
    limit 4 per transaction

    progresso soup 18-19 oz $1.50
    limit 6 per transaction

    puffs 95-108 ct or puffs plus 48-68 ct $.99

    tide or gain liquid 19-32 loads $5.94
    limit 3 per transaction

* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
always check your local ad!
sneak peek of the ad for your area can be accessed at on thursday before the sale week.

thanks and credit to didie @ we use coupons for ad photos
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