& rebates
cvs works

february cvs deals cvs clearance cvs y más cvs valentine’s day shop

12/02 - 12/08 crt's

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    expire one week from day printed...

  • Centrum Adult 100 ct $5 off

  • Fragrance (any) $5 off $25

  • holiday decor $5 off $20

  • Milka Bars or Toblerone 3.5 oz $1 off 2

  • Neutrogena Men's Skin or Hair $5 off $15

    expire two weeks from day printed...

  • $4 off $20

  • Boudreaux's butt paste $2 off

  • cosmetics, body lotion, or facial care (any) $3 off 2

  • CVS Brand Pain Reliever (any) $1 off

  • deodorant (any) $3 off $10

  • Deodorant or Shave (any) $1 off $3

  • Dunkin' Donuts Seasonal flavor coffee $1 off

  • hair care, body wash, or bar soap (any) $2 off $5

  • Hair care, body wash, or bar soap (any) $3 off 2

  • Nicorette , Nicoderm , or commit $10 off

  • Oral-B power refill brush heads 3 ct $6 off

  • Osteo Bi-flex $3 off

  • Pillsbury (any) $1.50 off

  • powerbars Buy 2 get 1 free

  • Razors, Blades, or Shave Cream/Gel (any) $1.50 off $5

  • Tide washing machine cleaner wyb Tide pods $2 off

    expire one month from day printed...

  • charmin 9 rolls + $2 off

  • Hair Color (any) $1 off

  • photo processing $2 off $10

crt stands for cash register tape. crt's are cvs coupons that print from the coupon center or at the end of your receipt. more info here

keep scanning your card until you get the "No coupons available, check back tomorrow" message to be sure you have received all coupons available to you. the coupons that expire in one week are usually received on all cvs cards. other coupons only print for some cards.

generally, coupon offers received seem to decline the more you shop at cvs. however, it may also be the case that certain cards are just lucky or unlucky. more info here

did you get any crt coupons this week
that aren't listed here?

please let me know the coupon, the day it printed, and exp date, and i'll add them to the list!

name (as you would like to be credited):

your email address:

crt's received, date printed, and exp date:

thanks to the contributors:
♥ ebquest ♥ Carrie ♥ Elizabeth ♥ Cathy ♥ CJ ♥ luckyducky9752 ♥ jennipher4 ♥ elizabeth burkhart ♥ Hillary ♥ Jerry ♥ Christina ♥ Brandy ♥