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$5 off $20 in various newspapers 06/27

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$5 off $20 (exp 06/30/12)
in various newspapers 06/27
printable version in Sacremento Bee e-edition page 9:
image w/ coupon or pdf of entire newspaper

12 digit coupons: limited to one coupon of the same barcode per transaction, will not beep as expired until 2 weeks from expiration date printed (some stores will accept them during these 2 weeks, others will not)

    reported in the following newspapers...

    Sacremento Bee
    pg 9

    Charlotte Observer
    pg 3A

    The Record of North Jersey
    Back of first section, A-12

    printing instructions for pdf:

  • save the pdf and open it with adobe reader (or other pdf reader), go to page 9

  • go to edit > take a snapshot

  • select just the coupon, right click it and choose print

  • make sure "actual size" is selected in your print options

  • print!

did you find this coupon in a newspaper not listed?
please email me or fill out this form and i'll add it to the list!


your email address:

newspaper, newspaper date, page number, and expiration:

sources for this post:
♥ Kelly ♥
Sacremento Bee | slickdeals