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Rolling drug store rewards
By Jennifer Warnick

RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) - The rules of the game are simple. Pick any drug store, get a loyalty card, search the sales and earn extra money to spend at that store. My store of choice is CVS. Buying certain products will generate extra care bucks found on the bottom of the receipt that I can spend on my next purchase.

I begin by looking at the circular that comes in the Sunday paper. It will tell you the bonus dollars generated with some products, but it won't tell you everything. My next step is checking This website shows me every good deal that can be had that week, with and without coupons. This week's freebies include crest mouthwash and Revitalens Eye Solution. But when I scroll down I find 23 other items that will kick back the bucks. I make a list of products I want, how much they cost and the extra care bucks that I will earn.

I like to go on Sunday morning, when the sales are fresh and the shelves are stocked. When I get there, I scan my CVS card using the CRT machine. It gives me bonus coupons making some products absolutely free. I had 10 extra care bucks to spend and matched my coupons before I left home. These products cost me $14, but generated almost 24 extra care bucks.

I use the $24 next week, getting higher dollar items like diapers, makeup and soap. Total out of pocket, $25, total bucks earned, $22.

I used those $22 to buy more items, spending $22 and earning 21 extra care bucks. Which bring us to this week. I've got 21 extra bucks to spend at CVS this week and I've already made my list of what I'm going to get. If my calculations are right, I'll get $54 worth of products and only spend $26 out of pocket, plus earn $16.50 for next week's trip.

And it's not just CVS. Walgreens and Rite-Aid offer similar savings with their loyalty card but check the fine print. All three stores have exclusions on what you can buy. You've got about a month to use them before they expire.

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