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09/12 - 09/18 weekly deals

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  • Brach's candy corn, autumn mix or mellowcreme pumpkins 7.5 oz $.99 get $.99 eb Limit 1
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  • High Octane Energy Chews 3 ct $1.99 get $1.99 EB limit 1 limit 1 per transaction, limit 2 total 8/28-10/02

  • nature's way Alive! energy multivitamin/multimineral 50-60 ct $9.99 get $9.99 eb Limit 1

  • Nivea for Men active 3 body wash 16.9 oz $4.99 get $4.99 eb Limit 1

other sales
* all deals subject to change/regional differences *
always check your local ad!
sneak peek of the ad for your area can be accessed at on thursday before the sale week.

my sources:
♥ Rebecca
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