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reinventing beauty magazine may 2010

this post may contain affiliate links - learn more here
this issue has cameron diaz on the cover

reinventing beauty magazine is $.99 and may be found by the weekly flyers, with the other magazines, by the cash registers, in the cosmetic aisle... anywhere really! unfortunately, they are not available at all cvs stores.
but some stores have the coupon pullout available separately for free!

cvs coupons included...
  • Blade Razor or cartridge refill $2 off exp 103110

  • Cristophe full size $2 off exp 103110

  • CVS Retinol Deep Wrinkle $2 off exp 103110

  • CVS Sun Care $1 off exp 103110

  • Dove Shampoo or Conditioner ETS $1 off any exp 093010

  • Essence of Beauty Eau de Toilette $2 off exp 103110

  • Gold Emblem Almonds ETS $1 off exp 103110

  • Gold Emblem Trail Mix ETS $1 off exp 103110

  • Kotex or U by Kotex $1.50 off exp 093010

  • Poise pads or liners $1.50 off exp 093010

manufacturer coupons included...
  • Banana Boat sun care item 3 oz + (excludes lip balm) $1 off exp 093010

  • Bio Oil 2 or 4.2 oz $2 off exp 093010

  • BioLuxe full size $2 off exp 103110

  • Colgate Pro Clinical ETS $1 off exp 093010

  • Colgate Wisp 4 ct + $1 off 2 exp 093010

  • Irish Spring body wash ETS $1 off exp 093010

  • Nature Made GreatMind $8 off exp 103110

  • Quick Trim, Burn & Cleanse, Extreme Burn, & Fast Cleanse $2 off exp 093010

  • Softsoap body wash 15-18 oz ETS $1 off exp 093010

  • Speed Stick or Lady’s Speed Stick ETS $1 off any exp 093010

my sources: