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03/07 - 03/13 crt's printing

this post may contain affiliate links - learn more here
the following coupons may print from the coupon center or at the end of your receipt and expire 2 weeks from the day they are printed. you may or may not receive these coupons!
  • $4 off $20

  • $10 off $50

  • $15 off $75

  • $3 off $12 American Greetings Purchase

  • American Greetings cards buy 3 get 1 free

  • $5 off 2 aquify or clear care contact lens disinfectants

  • $2 Axe detailer

  • $5 Belli

  • $2 Bengay Pain Relief Gel+Massage with no mess applicator

  • $2 Breathe Right Safe

  • $1 off 2 Cadbury Candy Bars

  • $1.50 CVS brand ibuprofen

  • $3 Essence of Beauty EDT Spray

  • $2 Garnier Skin Renew Cleansers

  • $3 glade fragrance collection

  • $1 glade sense and spray automatic spray refill

  • $.50 Green bag tag

  • hall's Cough Drops 30 ct bogo

  • $1 off 2 Hershey XL candy bars

  • $4 off wyb both huggies wipes and huggies diapers

  • $1 John Frieda Frizz ease

  • $1 John Frieda Root Awakening hair care

  • $1 John Freida Smooth Start shampoo or Conditioner

  • $3 La Roche Posay Physiological Cleansers skin care

  • $1.50 Listerine 500 ml +

  • $2 L'Oreal Bare Naturale

  • Free lumene Eye Makeup Remover wyb any Lumene skincare over $14.99

  • $3 Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Foundation

  • $4 Mission items over $7.99

  • $.75 Orbit Mist Gum

  • $1.50 Robitussin or Dimetapp, excludes Pseudoephedrine items

  • $5 RoC Brilliance or MultiCorrexion Skin System

  • $1 off 2 skippy peanut butter

  • $2 Tylenol Sinus Rapid Release Gels

  • $10 Zaditor Twin Pack
these are the last 2 crt's to print and should print for everyone at the coupon center. these do not seem to print at the end of receipts. keep scanning your card until you get these to be sure you have received all coupons available to you. once these print, you will not receive any more from the scanner for the day. these will expire one week from the day they are printed.
  • $1 CVS Brand paper towels
    cvs earth essentials paper towels are $1.29 regular price (ymmv)

  • $1 off 3 cvs brand toothbrushes

please let me know if you received any other crt coupons this week!


your email address:

crt's received:

generally, crt offers received seem to decline the more you shop at cvs. however, some cards may just be lucky or unlucky.

"The coupons you received are based on your shopping habits and frequency of visits. Some are supported by our suppliers... CVS continually modifies these targeted offers to provide products and services our customers want most." - Joseph E. Battey, CVS/pharmacy ExtraCare

my sources:
♥ Donna
♥ vidhya
♥ Jenny
♥ Amanda
♥ sharon
♥ Jen
♥ lacey
♥ Tiffany
♥ Kim