& rebates
cvs works

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crt's printing 09/07 - 09/12

this post may contain affiliate links - learn more here
the following coupons will expire 2 weeks from the day they are printed...
  • $3 off $15

  • $5 off $30

  • $25 gc with new or transferred rx

  • $3 Almay Color Cosmetic

  • $4 Breathe Right Strips

  • $3 Clearasil Ultra

  • $2 coffeemate 16 oz or coffeemate french vanilla

  • $3 off $10 CVS brand

  • Essence of Beauty bath products Buy 2 get 1 free (full size)

  • fruitopia (full size) bogo

  • $2 GoodNights youth pants

  • $1 hershey bliss

  • $2 huggies supremes

  • $2 Huggies wipes

  • $1 icy hot

  • $1 kiss/Broadway nail item (excludes glue)

  • $1 kleenex lotion tissue

  • $5 off $20 Lumene skin care

  • $5 Preventin Skin Care

  • $2 Pull Ups

  • $1 Purell

  • $1 reese's or kit kat snack size items

  • $3 revlon color cosmetic
    revlon cosmetics will be bogo limit 4 9/13-9/19
    combine with:
    -$1 Revlon Color Cosmetic Product, any SS 8/16/09

  • $1 Stacy's Pita or Bagel chip

  • $1 Vaseline Men's hand & body lotion
these are the last 2 crt's to print and usually print for everyone. once these print, you will probably not receive any more from the scanner for the day. these coupons expire one week from the day they are printed.
  • $1 off 2 cvs brand facial tissues boxes

  • $1 off 2 Gold emblem nuts, Pretzels or crackers
please let us know if you received any other crt coupons this week!

my sources:
♥ andrea
♥ amy
♥ nikki
♥ Brandi
♥ RachelC
♥ mb78
♥ jclevasseur
♥ holly
♥ indy