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cvs coupon guide

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how does cvs decide who to issue coupons to?

  • generally, the more you shop at cvs the fewer coupon offers you will receive.
    you might think that loyal cvs shoppers would/should be rewarded with more coupons, but cvs actually uses coupons to try to attract new or less frequent shoppers.

  • people who fill prescriptions at cvs may be encouraged to continue to do so with more coupons.
    About 2/3 of the CVS sales and operating profits are made from prescriptions, so it makes sense for pharmacy customers to be the most important to them.

  • random
    some people get $/$$ coupons from cvs regularly for no apparent reason. certain cvs cards may just be lucky or unlucky.

  • according to cvs...
    "The coupons you received are based on your shopping habits and frequency of visits. Some are supported by our suppliers.
    We have expanded the method of distribution for these offers, not only through the register but through e-mail, mail, local advertising and even through price checkers in some stores.
    CVS continually modifies these targeted offers to provide products and services our customers want most."
    - Joseph E. Battey, CVS/pharmacy ExtraCare

13 digit coupons
received by email or found in cvs stores
  • one-time use only - each coupon has a unique number and once scanned, that particular 13 digit coupon can never be used again by you or anyone else. if the order is voided the order & started over, the register will say the coupon has already been redeemed.

  • beep as expired on expiration date printed

  • not linked to any particular cvs card

12 digit coupons found in cvs stores
or in newspapers, magazines, and other publications
  • limited to one coupon of the same barcode per transaction

  • will not beep as expired until 2 weeks from expiration date printed (some stores will accept them during these 2 weeks, others will not)

12 digit "purchase-based" ($/$$ or % off) & extracare beauty club email coupons
  • beep as "not valid for card scanned" if you did not directly receive the coupon in an email from cvs

  • multiple purchase-based coupons may be used if the transaction total meets the combined totals required by the coupons

    for example, to use a $3 off $15 coupon in the same transaction as a $4 off $20 coupon, your total should be at least $35

    however, most of the $$/$$ coupons state "limit of one purchase-based coupon, i.e. $4 off $20 purchase, per transaction."

    the registers have been reported to accept multiple purchase-based coupons as long as you spend the sum of the required amounts, however since the coupons state that only one may be used per transaction the cashier may not allow it, ymmv!

12 digit product-specific email coupons
  • work without beeps even if you did not directly receive in an email from cvs.

  • limited to one coupon of the same barcode per transaction

advertised "crt" coupons
from price scanner/coupon printer
these crt's are usually advertised in the weekly ad and print for everyone.

  • work only on the Card for which they were issued

  • limited to one coupon of the same first 5 digits (of the 9-digit code) per transaction

  • if used in a transaction that is then voided (so you get CRT back), next time you use it will beep "not valid for card scanned" even though it is for the right EC card.

  • will not beep as expired for 30(or 21?) days from expiration date printed or expire when a new 9-digit code for the same product type begins issuing. (some stores will accept them during these 30/21 days, others will not.)

personalized "crt" coupons
from price scanner/coupon printer
offers will vary by customer
(see "how does cvs decide who to issue coupons to?")

  • work only on the Card for which they were issued

  • limited to one coupon of the same first 5 digits (of the 9-digit code) per transaction

  • if used in a transaction that is then voided (so you get CRT back), next time you use it will beep "not valid for card scanned."

  • beep as expired promptly on expiration date printed.

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