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Buy (4) South Beach Diet 2.11 oz or Balance Nutrition Bar 1.76 oz get $3 EB (Limit 5)

its been discovered that EAS Advent Carb Control (17g of protein) and Pure Protein bars are both working as part of the South Beach/Balance monthly deal. Both are on sale this week 2 for $3. There are $1 off 1 coupons for the EAS in 2/10 and 3/30 Smart Source newspaper inserts, while there are $1.50 off two coupons for the Pure Protein in the 3/2 Smart Source.

confirmed upc's
EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control ChocolateChipBrownie UPC 791083304856
PureProtein Chewy Chocolate Chip UPC 749826126449
PureProtein Chocolate Peanut Butter UPC 749826126487

here's the math:
4 eas bars $6
-$1 coupon
-$1 coupon
-$1 coupon
-$1 coupon
= $2
receive $3 ecb

via slickdeals