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4/13 - 4/19 weekly ecb deals

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$3.00 ECB wyb Colgate 360 Micro Sonic Toothbrush ($6.99 ea) Limit 5

$10.00 ECB wyb (2) of these assorted Stomach Remedies. Limit 1
-Maalox, Gas-X, Ex-Lax, Benefiber or Perdiem, assorted types. (psa $4.99 ea)

$2.00 ECB wyb Claritin 24 hr reditabs or 12 hr D 30ct Quantities are limited by law. ($17.99 ea) Limit 1
$3.00 ECB wyb Clear Care twin pack 2x12oz, Zaditor 5ml, Gental drops 25ml or Twin Pack 20mm. ($13.99 ea) Limit 1
$14.99 ECB wyb Ascensia Contour Blood Glucose Monitoring System. ($14.99 ea) Limit 1
$5.00 ECB wyb $15.00 of Futuro products. (psa $6.59 ea) Limit 1

$5.00 ECB wyb CVS/pharmacy One-Time-use Video Camcorder. ($29.99 ea) Limit 5

$5.00 ECB wyb CVS/pharmacy Digital One-Time-use Camera with picture preview 25 exp ($14.99 ea) Limit 5

$3.00 ECB When you buy 12 pk 12 oz cans of Pepsi products. ($12.00) Limit 1
$1.00 ECB When you buy any Chef Boyardee four pack ($4.99) Limit 5
$2.00 ECB When you buy (2) 4 Packs of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese ($3.00/each) Limit 5
$2.00 ECB When you buy any new L'Oreal product shown above ($7.99) Limit 4
-L'Oreal Infallible Lip Gloss or Bare Naturale Eye Shadow
$5.00 ECB When you buy $15.00 of Neutrogena Skin Care Limit 5
$5.00 ECB When you buy $15.00 of any Nivea for men or Eucerin Products Limit 10
$5.00 ECB When you buy Anthelios SX Moisturizing Cream. Limit 5
$5.00 ECB When you buy Amderma Cellular Renewal Emulsion. ($49.99) Limit 1
$5.00 ECB When you buy (3) Essence of Beauty Bath Products. Limit 5
-Excludes lotion candle, sponge & trial sizes
$5.00 ECB When you buy $25.00 worth of skin affects products. Limit 3
$10.00 ECB When you buy $20 worth of Nexxus products. Limit 5 (monthly deal)
$3.00 ECB When you buy Shick Quattro Titanium or trimmer. ($9.48) Limit 1
$3.00 ECB When you buy Colgate 360 Micro Sonic Toothbrush ($6.99) Limit 5
$10.00 ECB When you buy (2) of these assorted Stomach Remedies. Limit 1
-Maalox, Gas-X, ex-Lax, Benefiber or Perdiem, assorted types. Prices starting at $4.99
$2.00 ECB When you buy Claritin 24 hr reditabs or 12 hr D 30ct Quantities are limited by law. ($17.99) Limit 1
$3.00 ECB When you buy Clear Care twin pack 2x12oz, Zaditor 5ml, Gental drops 25ml or Twin Pack 20mm. ($13.99) Limit 1
$14.99 ECB wyb Ascensia Contour Blood Glucose Monitoring System. ($14.99) Limit 1
$5.00 ECB wyb $15.00 of Futuro products. (Start at $6.59) Limit 1
$5.00 ECB wyb CVS/pharmacy One-Time-use Video Camcorder. ($29.99) Limit 5
$5.00 ECB wyb CVS/pharmacy Digital One-Time-use Camera with picture preview 25 exp ($14.99) Limit 5

via a full cup

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