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10 ECB wyb Buy $20 Revlon Cosmetics or Beauty Tools LIMIT 3

5 ECB wyb $10 Assorted Nestle products LIMIT 1
Wonka Golden or Nestle Nest Eggs 9.2 oz $5/2
-$1 off 2 coupon(Coupon is located on right hand side of webpage)
Nestle 8 pk Candy or Giant Bar 5.5 oz .99 ea
Nestle Theatre Pack or Nips .99 ea

6 ECB wyb (1) Gillette Venus Embrace or Fusion Phenom *9.99 LIMIT 1

5 ECB wyb (1)Schick Titanium or Trimmer *7.99 LIMIT 1

2 ECB wyb (1) Tylenol RR PM/Extra Strength (20/24 ct) *4.99 LIMIT 1

2 ECB wyb (1) Johnson's Lotion LIMIT 5

1 ECB wyb (1) Softsoap Bodywash *3.99 LIMIT 1
-1 off Softsoap (fill out the form then click on personal care on the left)

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2 ECB wyb (2) Stayfree/Carefree (28-48 Pad/106-136 Liner) *2/$10 LIMIT 1

Page 1
CVS/pharmacy Power Flash Camera 27 exp.
CVS/pharmacy Vitamins, Minerals & Herbals $2.49 ea - $49.99 ea
CVS/pharmacy Gold Emblem Nuts Cashew’s 9.75 oz, Nut Blend 8.5 oz
M&M’s Chocolate Candies 11-14 oz $3.49 ea

Just A Trim, Finishing Touch Lumina, MicroTouch Magic $9.99 ea
One Touch Jar or Can Opener $19.99

Household & Misc
Scott Paper Towels 8 pk. $4.99 ea
Tide (39-48 loads) or Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent $7.99 ea
SOS Pads, Tide To Go, Shout Gel 8.7 oz $5/2
Clorox Anywhere sanitizing spray 22 oz., or disinfecting wipes 35 ct. $5/2
Pledge Aerosol 12.5 oz. Multi-Surface Trigger Spray 16 oz., or Duster Plus Starter 0.8 oz. $2.99 ea
Air Wick, Sink Scents, Roller Brush 1 ct or 2 pk.
RTH Travel Mugs 2 pk. $6/2
Candle Lite Tea Lights Scented 25 ct., $3.49 ea
True Indulgence Candle 19 oz., assorted $6.99 ea
Penn Tennis Balls 3 pk., $2.99 ea
Springtime Toys, Jr. Golf Set, SuperBat & Ball, Jr. Glove & Baseball $4.99 ea
Disney or Polly Pocket, Princess Belt Packet or Pet Boutique $7.99 ea
Wire Garden Plant Stand $7.99 ea
Grow Kit Assorted types 25% off Retail
Select Dinnerware 25% off Retail
Lawn & Garden Statuary 25% off Retail
Sunglasses B1 Get 1 50% off
Dollar Days Misc. $1 & up
Maxell DVD 20 pk., CD 30 pk., or Digital Video Cassette Tape 2 pk., $9.99 ea
Budget DVD's Assorted $12/2
RubberMaid Take Alongs Round, Square, or Deep Square Style 2 pk., $3/2
Sterilite Deep Basket or Med ShowOff Storage $6/2
Small 3-Drawer Chest, Large Storage Contaner or Healthy Food Snacker $10/2
3-Tier Corner Shelf, Sterilite Storage or RTH Child's Folding Chair $5.99 ea
Handy Cart, Redi Shelves or RTH Oak Coat Rack $9.99 ea
CVS/pharmacy 12 pk., Bathroom Tissue Single or Double Roll $4.99 ea
Kleenex Facial Tissue Reg. 120 ct., or upright with lotion 80 ct., .99 ea
Energizer Alkaline Batteries AA, AAA, 8 pk., C, D 4 pk., or 9 volt 2 pk., $5.29 ea

CVS/pharmacy Food Storage Bags Snack, sandwich, slider storage or freezer 15-150 ct.,
or plastic wrap 200 ft., B1 G1 50%
Degree or Dove Deodorant Solid Degree 2.6-3 oz., or Dove 2.6 oz., $1.99 ea

Sun Light Dish Liquid 12.6 oz., .77 ea
Coke or Evian Soda 2 liter assorted types, water 1 liter. Plus deposit where required (Limit 5) $5/5
Gatorade or Propel 23.7-24 oz., Plus deposit where required (Limit 5) $5/5

Revlon ColorSilk HairColor $5/2
Pantene or Herbal Essence or Head & Shoulders 23.7 oz., - 25.8 oz., $5.99 ea
Cristophe Hair Products Assorted B1 Get 1 50%
Organix Shampoo or Conditioner 13 oz., Mousse 8 oz., coconut oil or serum 4 oz., B1 Get 1 50%
Ellin Lavar Hair Care Shampoo, Conditioner 12 oz., or Styler 4-10 oz., $10/2
CVS/pharmacy Hair Dryer, Straightener or Curling Iron B1 Get 1 50%
Legg's Tights or Leggings B1G1
Fantasia ic Hair Styler Save $1 w/ card
Q-Tips Cotton Swabs Reg. or Anti-microbial 300-375 ct., $1.99 ea
CVS/pharmacy Soft Cloths Refill 160 ct., $3.99 ea
Buy $19.99 or more of any Skin Effects Product Get a FREE Skin Effects Flawless Effects Brightening Complex 1 oz.
Maybelline (New York)
Foundation, powder, blush or concealer B1 Get 1 50%.
Maybelline Volume Seduction Lip Gloss, Define-A-Lash or XXL Curl Power Mascara $5.99 ea
All Artificial Nails Buy 1 Get 1 50%
Select Designer Fragrance Buy 1 Get 1 50%
Aveeno Body Wash 12 oz., Lotion 8 oz., Shower & Shave Cream 10 oz., or Hand Cream 3.5 oz., $5.99 ea
Aveeno Skin Care Moisturizing Cream 11 oz., or Lotion 12-18 oz., $9.99 ea
Aveeno Skin Relief Lotion, Oil, Cream 7.3-12 oz., or Bath Treatment 8 pk., $6.99 ea
Lumene Facial Skin Care Women's or Men's, Cosmetics B1 Get 1 50%
Double Stay Mineral Makeup $15.99 ea
Time Freeze $19.99 ea

L'Oreal Paris
All L'Oreal Wrinkle Decrease $17.99 ea
L'Oreal Revitalift $17.99 ea
L'Oreal Advanced Revitalift $13.99 ea
L'Oreal Age Perfect $13.99 ea
L'Oreal Age Perfect Pro-Calcium $21.99 ea
L'Oreal Advanced Revitalift KIT $19.99 ea
L'Oreal Skin Genesis $15.99 ea

Folgers Classic Roast Coffee 13 oz. $1.99 ea
Coke 12 pk-12 oz cans plus deposit where required $2.99 ea
Chocolate Eggs Hershey’s or Cadbury’s 8.5 – 9.2 oz bags $1.88 ea
Tropicana Pure Prem Orange Juice 64 oz cartons $2.99 ea
Energy Drink Monster 16 oz or Ramba $15.5 oz plus deposit where required $3/2
Gold Emblem Snacks Cheese Puffs 7 oz., Pretzels .99 ea
Fritos or Cheetos 8.5 - 12 oz $4/2
Hormel or Simply Asia, Dinty Moore Stew 15 oz. can, microwave bowl, Hormel Turkey & Dressing 10 oz.,
Simply Asia Noodle Bowls 8.5 oz. $4/2
Nibs or Nestle's Drumstick $6/2
Cheez-It or Keebler Club Crackers 10 - 16 oz. $4/2
Nabisco Cookies or Crackers, Honey Maid, Lorna-Doone, Nutter Butter or Oreo's 10 - 18 oz $5/2
Sunsweet Prunes Regular or Bite Size 20 oz., $2.99 ea
Kashi Cereal or Crackers $5/2
Gold Emblem Cookies Various 11.5 - 12.5 oz $3/2
Sobe Life Water 20 oz assorted flavors, plus deposit where required. $5/5

Easter Items
Palmer Easter Chocolate 5 oz., .88 ea
Marshmellow Peeps 5 ct., Cadbury or Hershey Egg 1-1.5 oz., $1/2
Jelly Belly 7 oz., $5/2
Starburst, Brach's or LifeSavers Jelly Beans 13-19.5 oz., $1.99 ea
B1 at .99 ea Get 1 FREE Confectionery Lane Brand Jelly Beans 9 oz.
Novelty Filler Eggs 3-10 ct., $1.49 ea
Easter Novelty Items, Waterball Egg or Candy Bowl $2.99 ea
Easter Wall Plaque or Egg Wreath $5.99 ea
Easter Egg Decorating Kits $2.49 ea
Easter Basket or Bucket 25% Off Retail
Novelty Easter Grass $1.49
Easter Plush 20% Off Retail
Easter Novelty Items assorted, $1.99 ea

Photo Department
Vivitar Mini Digital Camera w/ Accessory Kit
Digital Photo Key Chain Stores and displays 60 color photos $19.99 ea
Kodak Max HQ Camera 27 exp., $7.99 ea
Kodak Zoom Camera 27 exp., $9.99 ea
4 x 6 Prints
In days .15 ea
In hours .19 ea
In seconds .29 ea
Store on CD $2.99 ea
CVS/pharmacy One time Use Video Camcorder $24.99 ea
CVS/pharmacy Digital One-Time Use Camera w/Digital Preview $14.99 ea
Photo Books $12.99 ea

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