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valentines m&m's: super cheap or free!

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this week (1/20 - 1/26) cvs has m&m's buy one (for $3.49) get one free

this deal is overlapping with an unadvertised ecb deal:
$3 ECB wyb 2 M&M Chocolate Bags 14oz $2.99 (1/6/08 - 2/8/08) limit 5 offers (10 bags)

so you can get 2 bags of m&m's for $3.49 out of pocket and receive $3.00 in ecb back
thats .49 for 2 bags!

but maybe you're thinking "that's nice, but i'd rather have them for free."

you can!

sample transaction:

10 bags of m&m's $17.45

use $3 off $15 purchase coupon

total: $14.45 (plus tax)- use your extra bucks if you got 'em
receive: $15 in ecb

this offer includes many varieties of m&m's; peanut, dark chocolate, etc. :)

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