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pharmacy & health Rewards

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10 credits = $5 extrabucks
sign up here

Rewards cannot be earned for prescriptions purchased in Arkansas, New Jersey or New York; on any prescriptions for controlled substances purchased in Hawaii or Louisiana; or on any prescriptions transferred to a CVS/pharmacy in Alabama, Mississippi or Oregon.
    • Fill a new prescription = 1 credit
    • Refill a prescription = 1 credit
    • Fill or refill a 90-day prescription = 3 credits
    • Get a flu shot or vaccination from a CVS pharmacist = 1 credit
    • Add prescription management and take care of prescriptions on = 3 credits
    • Sign up for prescription text alerts on = 1 credit
    • Sign up for Refill Reminder emails on = 1 credit

Each person who joins can earn up to $50 Pharmacy & Health ExtraBucks Rewards™ each year.

Family members sharing an ExtraCare card need to sign up individually to earn.

Your balances reset on January 1.

The ExtraCare Pharmacy & Health Rewards™ program is the only way to earn rewards for your prescription purchases. Any prior prescription rewards program has been replaced by this program.

A prescription number, along with store number, date of birth and ExtraCare card number, is required so that CVS/pharmacy can properly match online users with ExtraCare membership to ensure that earnings and rewards are recorded for the correct person. If you do not have a prescription number, you will be able to join the program in any CVS/pharmacy store starting 2/1/13.

ExtraBucks will be issued approximately 1 week after every 10 credits have been earned. Rewards will print on the receipt, at the ExtraCare Coupon Center, or from the ExtraCare Savings & Rewards tab when logged into
